DRDO designs surveillance system to ensure security at defence establishments

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has designed and developed a perimeter surveillance system called Surveillance Using Multilayer Intelligent Tracking, Response and Analysis (SUMITRA) which is aimed at augmenting the security at any defence establishment.

SUMITRA is also integrated with High Payload Multi Copter, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which can track intruders, so that the Quick Response Team (QRT) present at the establishment could reach the spot.

An official of the DRDO said, “It has multiple sensors which detect intruders. The data from the sensors go to the control centre from where the UAV, in this case a High Payload Multi Copter, gets the signal to track intruders. Even if an intruder hides behind a bush, the UAV would hover over him and the QRT could take the necessary action. Due to Artificial Intelligence based classification, SUMITRA can easily differentiate between our patrolling security personnel from the intruders.”

“Being an indigenously developed system, it would remove our dependence on foreign solutions thereby ensuring the secrecy of our vital defence establishments. SUMITRA also has inbuilt Aerial Threat Detection System for identifying incoming aerial threats,” he added.

SUMITRA is presently installed at Aeronautical Test Range, Chitradurga. “The High Payload Multi Copter has a high payload capacity. It can carry a payload and release at the designated spot and can come back to the home location. The range is 5 km and it can fly at an altitude of 300 metre. It has an endurance of 30 minutes,” the official added

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