Fraudulent colleges: 129 UK security guard licenses revoked

Some 129 security guards are having their licenses revoked following a BBC investigation into fraudulent colleges. Tough exams must be passed to be able to work in the security industry. It is a criminal offence to break the rules.
But undercover researchers caught Ashley Commerce College in Ilford sitting exams for students on a grand scale. The Security Industry Authority (SIA) has begun revoking licences thought to have been obtained illegally. The licences are in Door Supervision and Public Space Surveillance (CCTV).

Those suspected of fraudulently obtaining their licenses at the school have been contacted by letter and informed of the proceedings. It comes after the exam board that awarded the allegedly-fraudulent certifications, Industry Qualifications, carried out a four-week investigation into the malpractice at Ashley Commerce College highlighted by the BBC. In a statement, the exam board said it had found “significant levels of fraudulent activity”. This involved “candidates that had not undergone training, and/ or had not sat examinations, being included with candidates that had undertaken programmes in the proper manner”.

In total, Industry Qualifications has now revoked the certification of 251 candidates believed to have obtained it fraudulently, and informed the SIA. The SIA has warned that more revocations may follow. Industry Qualifications has submitted the names and addresses of all 251 candidates to the police and said it will pursue action in the civil courts against all of those involved on completion of the police investigation.

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